Lengers Yachts BV


Westzeedijk 2
1398 BB Muiden

Telefoon: 0294256156
E-mail: mascha@lengersyachts.nl
Website: http://www.lengersyachts.nl

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Company Profile

Lengers Yachts, official dealer for the Italian Ferretti Group in Benelux and Germany, is a family–run company which was founded over 40 years ago by the late Hans Lengers Sr. He started a second hand boot business in 1970 which was so successful that he also offered new boats, service and repair.

His four children inherited his skills and his nautical passion. All joined his company at a young age. In 1982, his 2 sons took over expanding the business further with the acquisition of the brands President and Johnson as well as Linssen Yachts.

In 1996, another important business decision was taken: Lengers chose the Italian Ferretti Yachts with brands as Pershing, Riva, Ferretti Yachts CRN, Apreamare, Custom Line, Itama and Mochi Craft. The company has been their official exclusive dealer in Benelux ever since. Now, being one of the largest dealers for the Ferretti Group out of 60 dealerships worldwide, Lengers Yachts offers accompanying maintenance and repair se

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